Mastering the Zodiac Signs
Photo from wix.com

In the metaphysical and esoterical world, there are a series of astrological exercises corresponding to each month's Zodiac sign. These exercises are intended for the dedicated student so that they may apply them on a daily basis. The purpose behind these exercises is to heal and align the physical body and to awaken all our metaphysical abilities and powers.
My mentor and teacher Dr. Estrada, taught and shared this knowledge with me. In addition, Samael Aun Weor also imparted these esoteric teachings, with some variances with the info given. The information contained here is from Glorian's website, that has Samuel Aun Weor's Material translated into English.
En el mundo metafísico y esotérico, hay una serie de ejercicios astrológicos correspondientes al signo zodiacal de cada mes. Estos ejercicios están destinados al estudiante dedicado para que pueda aplicarlos diariamente. El propósito detrás de estos ejercicios es sanar y alinear el cuerpo físico y despertar todas nuestras habilidades y poderes metafísicos.
Mi mentor y maestro el Dr. Estrada, enseñó y compartió este conocimiento conmigo. Además, Samael Aun Weor también impartió estas enseñanzas esotéricas, con algunas variaciones en cuanto a la información. La información contenida aquí es del sitio web de Glorian, que contiene el material traducido al ingles de Samuel Aun Weor
Tenga en cuenta que la información en español es limitada, pues el sitio web de glorian.com que alberga el material de Samuel Aun Weor está solo en ingles
From the 21st of March to the 19th of April
Rules: The Head
Metal: Iron
Stone: Ruby and Diamond
Perfume: Myrrh
Plant: Oak
Flower: Red Carnation
Planet: Mars
Color: Red
Element: Fire
Keyword: Action
Day: Tuesday
Ruler: Samael
During this sign, the disciple should vocalize the vowel “I,” daily for one hour, like this: Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii….. [pronounced as the e in “tree”]
This vowel will cause your pineal gland to vibrate, and finally you will become clairvoyant.
From the 20th of April to
the 20th of May
Rules: Neck, Nape and Ears
Metal: Copper
Stone: Emerald and Agate
Perfume: Aromatic Herb
Plant: Birch
Flower: Thorned
Planet: Venus
Color: Green
Element: Earth
Keyword: Love
Day: Friday
Ruler: Uriel
The disciple must vocalize the vowel “E” daily like this: eheeeeeeee…(as in “beg”), for one hour.
The vibratory sound of this vowel will awaken the power of the occult ear within us.
The vowel “E” causes the thyroid gland, which is the center of the magical ear, to vibrate.
From the 21st of May to the 20th of June
Rules: Arms, Shoulders, Lungs, and Bronchial System
Metal: Azoth
Stone: Golden Beryl
Perfume: Mastic
Plant: Honeysuckle
Flower: Chrysanthemum
Planet: Mercury
Color: Orange and Brilliant Yellow
Element: Air
Keyword: Reason
Day: Wednesday
Ruler: Raphael
The disciple lies down horizontally on his bed, relaxes his body and takes five breaths of air with the intention that the light penetrates into his lungs and bronchi. He will then open his arms and legs with each inhalation and will close them with each exhalation...
From the 21st of June to the 22nd of July
Rules: The Stomach
Metal: Silver
Stone: Pearl
Perfume: Camphor
Plant: Eucalyptus, Cherry Tree, and the Violet
Flower: White Rose
Planet: The Moon
Color: Silver
Element: Water
Keyword: Fecundation
Day: Monday
Ruler: Gabriel
Sit down and imagine this marvelous encounter of the cosmic forces forming the seal of Solomon at the thymus gland and, while submerged within profound inner meditation, pray to your Innermost...
From the 23 of July to the 22 of August
Rules: Heart and Spinal Column
Metal: Gold
Stone: Diamond
Perfume: Frankincense
Plant: Sunflower
Flower: Poppy
Planet: The Sun
Color: Golden
Element: Fire
Day: Sunday
Keyword: Life
Ruler: Michael
Vocalize the vowel “O” daily during the sign of Leo to awaken the heart chakra.
From the 23rd of August to the 22nd of September
Rules: The Intestines and Lower Abdomen
Metal: Mercury
Stone: The Emerald
Perfume: White Sandalwood
Plant: The Elm
Flower: Morning Glory
Planet: Mercury
Color: Yellow
Element: Earth
Keyword: Reason
Day: Wednesday
Ruler: Raphael
During the zodiacal sign of Virgo, you must vocalize the vowel “U” daily for one hour in order to develop the telepathic center of the solar plexus, like this: uuuuuuuuu…
From the 23rd of September to the 23rd of October
Rules: The Kidneys
Metal: Copper
Stone: Chrysolite
Perfume: Galbanum
Plant: Pine and Cypress
Flower: Narcissus
Planet: Venus
Color: Green
Element: Air
Keyword: Love
Day: Friday
Ruler: Uriel
Stand with your feet firm and arms extended to the sides in the form of a cross or scale and move inclining the waist 7 times to the right and 7 times towards the left, with the intention that all your energies become balanced in your kidneys.
From the 24th of October to the 22nd of November
Rules: The Sexual Organs
Metal: Magnet
Stone: Topaz
Perfume: Coral
Plant: The Oak Tree
Flower: Chrysanthemum
Planet: Mars
Color: Red
Element: Water
Keyword: Action
Day: Tuesday
Ruler: Samael
This sign teaches about Kundalini knowledge
From the 23rd of November to the 21st of December
Rules: The Hips and Thighs
Metal: Tin
Perfume: Aloeswood (Lignum aloes)
Stone: Blue Sapphire
Plant: American Agave, Maguey
Flower: Hydrangea
Planet: Jupiter
Color: Blue
Element: Fire
Keyword: Benevolence
Day: Thursday
Ruler: Zachariel
The mantram is ISIS, which is vocalized like this: Iiiiiiisssssssiiiiiiisssssss (“i” is pronounced as “ee” in “tree”), pronouncing a sibilant sound, with the S like that of the wind. With this clue you will totally awaken clairvoyance...
From the 22nd of December to the 19th of January
Rules: The Knees and the Skin
Metal: Lead
Stone: Onyx
Perfume: Pine Extract
Plant: False Plantain
Flower: Lotus
Planet: Saturn
Color: Black
Element: Earth
Keyword: Obstruction
Day: Saturday
Ruler: Orifiel
The following exercise should be practiced during the sign of Capricorn:
The disciple must walk over an imagined coffin located on the floor (imagine that the coffin is located between the legs). With bent knees he will then walk
From the 20th of January to the 18th of February
Rules: The Calves of the Legs; the Ankles
Metal: Aluminum, Uranium and Lead
Stone: Sapphire and black Pearl
Perfume: Spikenard
Plant: Pine and Cypress
Flower: Bellorita
Planet: Uranus
Color: Green
Element: Air
Day: Saturday
Keyword: Altruism
Ruler: Archer and Sakmakrel
The disciple will then submit to internal meditation, praying to his Innermost that he may enter the sidereal temples of Aquarius, so that his Innermost will bring before him the genii of that constellation in order to achieve illumination.
From the 19th of February to the 20th of March
Rules: The Feet
Metal: Platinum and Tin
Stone: Amethyst
Perfume: Thyme
Plant: Century Plant (maguey) and False Plantain
Flower: Violet
Planet: Neptune
Color: Violet
Element: Water
Keyword: Dignity
Day: Thursday
Ruler: Rasamosa and Uacabiel
Aum mani padme hum; this mantra is esoterically pronounced like this:
Om masi padme yom
(prolonging the sound of each letter, and syllabicating)
The meaning of this mantra is, “Oh, my God within me!”
Del 21 de marzo al 19 de abril
Elemento: Fuego
Planeta: Marte
Metal: Hierro
Piedra Preciosa: Rubí
Flor: Clavel Rojo
Planta: Roble
Perfume: Mirra
Regencia: Cabeza
Fecha: 21 Mar-19 Abr
Color: Rojo
Palabra Clave: Acción
Regente: Samael
Día: Martes
Genios Zodiacales: Sataaran y Sarahiel
Durante este signo, el discípulo debe vocalizar la vocal “I”, diariamente durante una hora, así: Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…..
Esta vocal hará que tu glándula pineal vibre y finalmente te volverás clarividente.
Del 20 de Abril al 20 de Mayo
Elemento Tierra
Planeta Venus
Metal Cobre
Piedra Preciosa Agata
Flor de Espino
Planta Abedul
Perfume Hierba Arom.
Regencia Garganta, Cuello
Fecha 20 Abr-19May
Color Verde
Palabra Clave Amor
Regente Uriel
Día Viernes
Genios Zodiacales Bagdad y Araziel
El discípulo debe vocalizar diariamente la vocal “E” así: eeeeeeeeee…, durante una hora. ​ El sonido vibratorio de esta vocal despertará el poder del oído oculto en nuestro interior.
La vocal “E” hace vibrar la glándula tiroides, que es el centro del oído mágico.
Del 21 de Mayo al 20 de Junio
Elemento: Aire
Planeta: Mercurio
Metal: Azogue
Piedra Preciosa: Berilio Oro
Flor: Crisantemo
Planta: Madre Selva
Perfume: Almáciga
Regencia: Nuca Brazos
Fecha: 20 May-20 Jun
Color: Naranja
Palabra Clave: Razón
Regente: Rafael
Día: Miércoles
Genios Zodiacales: Sagras y Saraiel
El discípulo se acuesta horizontalmente en su cama, relaja su cuerpo y realiza cinco respiraciones de aire con la intención de que la luz penetre en sus pulmones y bronquios. Luego abrirá sus brazos y piernas con cada inhalación y los cerrará con cada exhalación...
Del 21 de Junio al 22 de Julio
Elemento: Agua
Planeta: Luna
Metal: Plata
Piedra Preciosa: Perla
Flor: Rosa Blanca
Planta: Eucalipto
Perfume: Alcanfor
Regencia: Glándula Timo
Fecha: 21 Jun-22 Jul
Color: Amarillo
Palabra Clave: Fecundidad
Regente: Gabriel
Día: Lunes
Genios Zodiacales: Ramdhar y Phakiel
Siéntate e imagina este maravilloso encuentro de las fuerzas cósmicas formando el sello de Salomón en el timo y, sumergido en una profunda meditación interior, reza a tu Íntimo...
Del 23 de Julio al 22 de Agosto
Elemento: Fuego
Planeta: Sol
Metal: Oro
Piedra Preciosa: Diamante
Flor: Amapola
Planta: Girasol
Perfume: Incienso
Regencia: Corazón
Fecha: 23 Jul-22 Ago
Color: Plateado
Palabra Clave: Vida
Regente: Michael
Día: Domingo
Genios Zodiacales: Sagham y Seratiel
La practica correspondiente a Leo, consiste en colocar los brazos en alto y bajar las manos a semejanza de conchas haciendo resonar la vocal “O” diariamente para despertar consciencia.
Del 23 de Agosto al 22 de Septiembre
Elemento Tierra
Planeta Mercurio
Metal Azogue
Piedra Preciosa Esmeralda y Jaspe
Flor Gloria de la Mañana
Planta Olmo
Perfume Sándalo Blanco
Regencia Vientre, Intestinos
Fecha 23 Ago-22 Sep
Color Dorado Amarillo
Palabra Clave Razón
Regente Rafael
Día Miércoles
Genios Zodiacales Iadara y Schaltiel
Durante este signo, debemos dar pequeños saltos al vientre también se debe vocalizar la vocal “U” diariamente durante una hora para desarrollar el centro telepático del plexo solar, así: uuuuuuuuu…
Del 23 de Septiembre al 23 de Octubre
Elemento: Aire
Planeta: Venus
Metal: Cobre
Piedra Preciosa: Crisolita
Flor: Narciso
Planta: Pino Y Ciprés
Perfume: Gálbano.
Regencia: Riñones
Fecha: 23 Sep 22 Oct
Color: Verde
Palabra Clave: Amor
Regente: Uriel
Día: Viernes
Genios Zodiacales: Grasgarben y Hadakiel
Párate con los pies firmes y los brazos extendidos hacia los lados en forma de cruz o escala y muévete inclinando la cintura 7 veces hacia la derecha y 7 veces hacia la izquierda, con la intención de que todas tus energías se equilibren en tus riñones.
Del 24 de Octubre al 22 de Noviembre
Elemento Agua
Planeta Marte
Metal Imán
Piedra Preciosa Topacio
Flor Crisantemo
Planta Roble
Perfume Coral.
Regencia Órganos Sexuales
Fecha 23 Oct-22 Nov
Color Rojo
Palabra Clave Acción
Regente Samael
Día Martes
Genios Zodiacales Richol y Saissaiel
This sign teaches about Kundalini knowledge
Del 23 de Noviembre al 21 de Diciembre
Elemento Fuego
Planeta Júpiter
Metal Estaño
Piedra Preciosa Zafiro Azul
Flor Hortensia
Planta Maguey
Perfume Aloe.
Regencia Arterias Femorales
Fecha 23 Nov-19 Dic
Color Azul
Palabra Clave Benevolencia
Regente Zachariel
Día Jueves
Genios Zodiacales Vhcri y Saritaiel
The mantram is ISIS, which is vocalized like this: Iiiiiiisssssssiiiiiiisssssss (“i” is pronounced as “ee” in “tree”), pronouncing a sibilant sound, with the S like that of the wind. With this clue you will totally awaken clairvoyance...
Del 22 de Diciembre al 19 de Enero
Elemento: Tierra
Planeta: Saturno
Metal: Plomo
Piedra: Preciosa
Onix: Negro
Flor: de Loto
Planta: Plátano Falso
Perfume: Extracto de Pino.
Regencia: Rodillas
Fecha: 20 Dic-19 Ene
Color: Negro
Palabra Clave: Obstrucción
Regente: Orifiel
Día: Sábado
Genios Zodiacales: Sagdalon y Semakiel
The following exercise should be practiced during the sign of Capricorn:
The disciple must walk over an imagined coffin located on the floor (imagine that the coffin is located between the legs). With bent knees he will then walk
Del 20 de Enero al 18 de Febrero
Elemento: Aire
Planeta: Urano
Metal: Uranio y Plomo
Piedra Preciosa: Zafiro y Perla Negra
Flor: Vellorita
Planta: Pino Y Ciprés
Perfume: Nardo.
Regencia: Pantorrillas .
Fecha: 20 Ene-19 Feb
Color: Verde
Palabra Clave: Altruismo
Regente: Archer y Sakmakrer
Día: Sábado
Genios Zodiacales: Archer y Sakmakrel
The disciple will then submit to internal meditation, praying to his Innermost that he may enter the sidereal temples of Aquarius, so that his Innermost will bring before him the genii of that constellation in order to achieve illumination.
Del 19 de Febrero al 20 de Marzo​
Planeta: Neptuno
Metal: Estaño
Piedra Preciosa Amatista
Flor Violeta
Planta Maguey
Perfume Tomillo
Regencia Pies
Fecha 20 Feb-20 Mar
Color Violeta
Palabra Clave Dignidad
Regente Rasamosa y Uacabiel
Dia Jueves
Genios Zodiacales Rasamosa y Uacabiel
Aum mani padme hum; this mantra is esoterically pronounced like this:
Om masi padme yom
(prolonging the sound of each letter, and syllabicating)
The meaning of this mantra is, “Oh, my God within me!”