MedicineWomanSpeaksFeb 3, 2016Eleanor Roosevelt Quote: A woman is like a teabag… Feb. 3, 2016"A woman is like a teabag – you never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water."Photo by x ) on Unsplash#MedicineWoman #MedicineWomanSpeaks #MWSmovement #spirituality #HigherTruth #PeaceLoveJoy #SpiritualCoaching #LifeCoaching #SpiritualWarrior
Feb. 3, 2016"A woman is like a teabag – you never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water."Photo by x ) on Unsplash#MedicineWoman #MedicineWomanSpeaks #MWSmovement #spirituality #HigherTruth #PeaceLoveJoy #SpiritualCoaching #LifeCoaching #SpiritualWarrior
Book Recommendation: “How to Be The Grown-Up: Why Good Parenting Starts with You” Martha Deiros Collado