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EXERCISE - Clearing the Aura

MWL Apr. 7, 2010

This exercise can be done at night upon going to bed and can also help when sleepless at night.

1. Lie on your back and outstretch your arms to your side, palm up. Now, feel and imagine yourself suspended in a void of love.

2. Inhale - Hold breath - be aware of your entire internal body - Exhale

3. Inhale - say unto yourself - I am Love

Exhale - say unto yourself - I am Light

Now reverse...

4. Inhale - say unto yourself - I am Light

Exhale - say unto yourself - I am Love


Inhale- say- love light

Exhale - say -light love

5. Inhale - hold breath and feel the body suspended in a void of love. Exhale and feel the release and the detachment from your arms those voices that are constantly speaking.

Exhale - feel the outside positive forces removing these cable connections. Feel the release among the arms and the releasing stream of energy flowing from the hands.

6. Repeat part 3.

Relax. Gently fall asleep. May the Grandmother Moon and Dark Mother - "La Madre Negra" cradle you through this exercise.

Work with this and amend as needed to your personal mind/body configuration and growth needs.

My love and joy


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