MWL Dec. 24, 2016
Greetings to all! It has been about six months since I have not been able to post updates as I need assistance with all electronic media as my Medicine Woman body is not compatible with these instruments.
2016 has been a year of letting go on many levels, not only for me but for many others as well. The biggest change was my move from my Fatherland back to my Motherland and taking residence in Medellin, Colombia.
For the New Year, I will be offering Metaphysical and Spiritual Life Coaching sessions. These sessions will benefit those who are on a path of Self Discovery; individuals experiencing and desiring to manage fear and anger; those who want to learn how to manage themselves in a spouse/partner relationship so that they are operating from a higher metaphysical and spiritual level; and for individuals walking through the Dark Night of the Soul.
I invite you to share the information on these sessions with your loved ones or anyone who may benefit from them.
In closing, may the Spirit of Christmas radiate within your heart, and may you grow and learn the beautiful lessons of this life as you dance and laugh through your trials and adventures.
Medellin is known for lighting up the city for Christmas. I leave you with a taste of the magnificent lighting...
My Love and Joy.