MWL Dec. 15, 2014
It's a beautiful moment.
It has been a long and arduous journey
filled with the tempest of storms --
experienced with the strangest of winds --
lived with the most fervent and exacting of emotions.
However, I have fevered these childish crushes towards
the destruction of my inner light...
this Self of enormous magnitude of Being.
I have learned instead to tower on into the space of events
that are of calm sea, calm love, calm rejoice and steady streams
of winds that smooth the tempers of the lullaby song in my mind.
I am old enough now --
to take on the reins of this realm and maneuver my chariot of love,
not towards inward built-up pain leaning towards satisfaction
of the moment's savory likes of the mental body or emotional mind...
but instead with calm patience, pushing for His light and path,
to push through and create the template of another lived story of true love.
-- Indeed, a beautiful moment!