MWL Jun. 12, 2022
Warm greetings to all!
I AM HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE that my website is now back online after a 4-year hiatus.
It has been a long journey, pretty much a year of continuous dedication and effort to complete this task. Slow and steady wins the race! Well, in my case, I’m not sure I won the race, but I did make it across the finish line!
Click on my website link below and learn more of what I am all about, check out my blog, my recently revised book edition, and information on the Metaphysical Life Coaching and Healing Sessions I offer.
Plus register for my monthly MWS NEWSLETTER and in celebration, I will be giving away two 1-hour Metaphysical Life Coaching & Healing Sessions to 2 winners. (I will hold a raffle from all the names that have registered for my newsletter and the winners will be announced on Sat. July 9, 2022)
My Love and Joy.
Photo by Nidhi Bhat on Unsplash
#MedicineWoman #MedicineWomanSpeaks #MWSmovement #spirituality #HigherTruth #PeaceLoveJoy #SpiritualCoaching #LifeCoaching #SpiritualWarrior #WebsiteAnnouncement #HealingSessions #MWSNewsletter