Dec. 14, 2022
This specific Pranayama Breath technique taught to me by my mentor and teacher Dr. Arturo Estrada is used to build and increase energy, enthusiasm and calmness through Pranayama control. We will be able to control our own mind, because the mind is symbolically tied to prana as a bird is to a rope. This exercise assists in bringing stability, clarity, and fortification to one's body and mind by strengthening one’s ability to overcome fear, worry, anxiety and other heavy emotions. It also helps awaken consciousness and remember, consistency and dedication are the keys to awakening.
Pranayama Breath Exercise broken down into 3 parts.
Close your eyes to achieve a deeper concentration
Close your right nostril, and inhale through the left nostril
Close both nostrils and hold your breath
Open the right nostril and exhale
Inhale through the right nostril
Close both nostrils and hold your breath
Exhale through the left nostril
This is one Pranayama breath doing the physical part only. One should do 10 breath Pranayama's 3 times per day with the intention of increasing one's vital energy. After a few weeks, when you feel you have some proficiency with this stage, add the mantras.
Now add the Mantras to the physical breath part. These mantras are mentally sounded out and combining these two parts looks like this:
Close your right nostril, and inhale through the left nostril, simultaneously pronounce the mantra TOM - TOOOMMM (The O is pronounce as a long O, like in the word toe)
Close both nostrils and hold your breath, simultaneously pronounce the mantra SA - SAAA - (the A sound is pronounced like the A in father or artist)
Open the right nostril and exhale, simultaneously pronounce the mantra HAM - HAAAMMM (the A sound is pronounced like the A in father or artist)
Inhale through the right nostril, simultaneously pronounce the mantra TOM - TOOOMMM (The O is pronounce as a long O, like in the word toe)
Close both nostrils and hold your breath, simultaneously pronounce the mantra RA - RAAA (the A sound is pronounced like the A in father or artist)
Exhale through the left nostril, simultaneously pronounce the mantra HAM - HAAAMMM (the A sound is pronounced like the A in father or artist)
7. Repeat
This is the completion of one Pranayama breath with the Mantras. So with all inhales, the mantra is TOM, all exhales the Mantra is HAM, the first hold is SA, and the second hold is RA,
Continue with 10 breath and mantra Pranayamas 3 times/day for about two weeks or until you have this combination pretty well down, then add the visualization step.
1. As you inhale through the left nostril visualize breathing in fire, pure oxygen, life itself because oxygen is combustible and is fire, fill your lungs.
2. As you hold your breath visualize this fire expanding throughout the body and then it reaches down to the Muladhara chakra, the 1st chakra.
3. When you exhale through the right nostril, visualize all that energy/fire moving up through Kundalini/spine, and then it reaches for your forehead chakra, and then bring it down to the heart.
4. As you inhale through the right nostril visualize breathing in fire, pure oxygen, life itself because oxygen is combustible and is fire, fill your lungs.
5. As you hold your breath visualize this fire expanding throughout the body and then it reaches down to the Muladhara chakra, the 1st chakra.
6. When you exhale through the left nostril, visualize all that energy/fire moving up through Kundalini/spine, and then it reaches for your forehead chakra, and then bring it down to the heart.
7. Repeat.