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Sarah Ban Breathnach - Something More: Excavating Your Authentic Self

Originally posted on Feb. 19, 2014

This morning, as in many times throughout the day - I will be directed to a book and with my eyes closed I will scan to a particular text...This morning I was led to the book "Something More, Excavating Your Authentic Self"

"In our role as archeologists of ourselves, every clue counts, and in the spiritual world, nothing is for drill and no experience is wasted."

The key here is "and in the spiritual world, nothing is for drill and no experience is wasted." This has been drilled into me by the Arch Angels and spiritual guides over and over again, particularly on my quest to comprehend the terrible and sub-human pain inflicted on some by others...particularly in wars, to our children, to our women, to our men, to our animals. They insist all is within a view of perfection.


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