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Sexual Arts: Celebrating Menopause with Dr. Cabeca and Cynthia Thurlow

MWS Sep. 17, 2024

In the last newsletter, I featured a podcast with Dr. Cabeca discussing men’s health and erectile dysfunction. This time, I’m excited to share Dr. Cabeca’s "Girlfriend Doctor Podcast", which focuses on menopause. Understanding the significance of educating both men and women about this topic. Menopause is a natural part of life that should be discussed openly and an open discussion about menopause can help improve relationships and strengthen bonds between partners! In addition, understanding menopause can help women manage symptoms and improve their overall quality of life.

I encourage you not only to listen but also to share

this valuable resource with others.

"Not too long ago menopause was called “the change” and it was a shame-filled secret. You weren’t allowed to talk about everything that was happening in your body.


And you definitely weren’t allowed to talk about the changes in:

  • Your relationships with your children and your partner

  • How your time is structured

  • Your identity

Nurse practitioner, health + wellness leader, and best-selling author Cynthia Thurlow and I sat down to discuss all of this — and we talked about how to navigate these changes both hormonally and emotionally in my latest podcast episode."

Key Takeaways:

Photo by RDNE 7020559 pexels
  • Parenting and empty nesting.

  • Parenting challenges and trust.

  • Hormone balancing for women.

  • Celebrating menopause and transitions.

  • Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy.

  • Menopause symptoms and changes.

  • Menopause and progesterone decline.

  • Embracing Menopause Club.

  • Tinkering with hormone dosages.

  • Menopause and freedom from periods.

    • Future plans and projects.


Menopause and Empty Nest

  1. Shifting priorities: Menopause coincides with children leaving home, creating an opportunity to rediscover oneself and pursue new interests.

  2. Breaking the silence: Openly discussing menopause challenges shame and empowers women to seek solutions.

  3. Hormonal impact: Fluctuation in estrogen and progesterone during perimenopause and menopause affects sleep,energy levels, and mood.

  4. Redefining femininity: Menopause doesn't have to be a negative experience. It can be a chance to embrace a new phase of life.

  5. Importance of self-care: Prioritizing healthy habits like exercise, stress management, and proper nutrition is crucial for managing menopausal symptoms.

  6. Finding your voice: Women need to advocate for their health needs and be comfortable discussing issues like dry vagina and libido changes.

Personal Experiences

  1. Early menopause: Cynthia experienced early menopause due to a medical procedure, highlighting the diverse paths to menopause.

  2. Lifestyle adjustments: Balancing blood sugar, managing stress, and eliminating inflammatory foods can help alleviate symptoms.

  3. Missing information: Many women lack guidance from healthcare providers about menopause and perimenopause.

  4. Importance of boundaries: Setting boundaries with family and friends can help women prioritize their well-being during this transitional phase.

  5. Celebrating the change: Viewing menopause as a new chapter offers a positive and empowering perspective.

  6. Finding strength: Menopause can be an opportunity to rediscover one's voice and become a more assertive individual.

  7. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): Emphasizes is placed on the value of HRT in managing symptoms and improving quality of life.

  8. Misinformation about HRT: The misconception that HRT increases cancer risk is addressed.

  9. Importance of finding the right healthcare provider: Choosing a knowledgeable provider who understands menopause is crucial for receiving proper care.


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