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Sexual Arts: the Sexual Arts begin with self-love

MWL Oct. 1, 2022

The Sexual Arts begin with self-love, preservation, and commitment. A commitment to caring and being gentle and loving with oneself, while preserving authenticity and truth by being honest with and accepting ourselves.

We must start with this basic and fundamental level of embracing ourselves in order to condense into some form of solidness within the concept of Who We Are. From this solid ground, we can move more easily into perfecting, purifying, developing, and growing into the beauty and flow of our Being.

Working patiently and caring for ourselves allows us to share and continue to develop the same virtues with our significant other. And the virtue of embracing authenticity, truth, surrender, acceptance, love, joy, and gentleness combined with the aspects of taming our wilderness, managing and redirecting desire, and developing gratitude along with our intuition, will bring us to new levels in the Yin/Yang unification process, both on an internal individual level and with our significant other.

This perhaps is easy to say, yet this formation takes education, time, and practice to bring some level of mastery. And that is why we are here, to continue to experience, learn and become more proficient and complete as human Beings.

Individual mirror exercise

Exercise I

  1. Stand in front of a mirror

  2. Look at yourself in the mirror. Do the Here and the Now exercise explained above.

  3. Now focus on looking straight into your pupils

  4. Be aware of sensations, feelings, and thoughts and jot these down

  5. Hold the gaze for as long as you can

  6. Do this once or twice per day

Exercise II

  1. Do the same as above steps 1 through 3. Now clear the mind of any thoughts.

  2. Look at your hair, nose, teeth, mouth, face, skin, ears

  3. Speak to your entire Being with words of affection and love, either verbally or in thought. Project these words right into your essence as you look into your pupils. Jot down the experience you have for the first few days or so.

Partner Mirror Exercise

Will be posted at a later date


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