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Some of my Favorite Things..... Dogsledding

MWL Nov. 13, 2009

My daughter and I in ELY, MN 2005

Need to get away from the hustle and bustle or looking for an incredible, adventurous, and nature-filled time? You may then want to consider a dogsledding trip to Ely Minnesota. My daughter and I went about 5 years ago for the first time. It was a beautiful experience. It is so serene with grand landscapes of white, clear blue skies, and the quiet of nature sounds and dogs mushing. On our second visit, I met for the first time my Spiritual Indian guides of the upper realms. Check out Wintergreen's website,, and allow yourself to experience another space and time aside from our daily noise and hectic routines. This is an adventure I highly recommend.

Sunshine to you!

In ELY, MN 2005

In ELY, MN 2005


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